Travel tips

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Are there waterfalls in every country? Hmm…interesting question. I had never...

Martin Luther King Jr. Historic District Martin Luther King Jr. Historic District

欢迎来到马丁·路德·金(Martin Luther King Jr.)国家历史遗址。我们在甜蜜的...

艾伯塔省Birds of Prey 艾伯塔省Birds of Prey




BOB体育推荐旅行测验43 BOB体育推荐旅行测验43

Short and sweet… Where in the world were we when we took this photo? Think...

BOB体育推荐旅行测验42 BOB体育推荐旅行测验42


Fort Calgary, Canada Fort Calgary, Canada


礼拜场所第3部分 礼拜场所第3部分

还在和我们一起旅行吗?出色的!让我们继续……ST ...


Travel destinations

蒙特利尔灯花园 蒙特利尔灯花园

First, let me be very clear… Montreal’s botanical gardens are a “must see” at any time of the year. However, the most enchanting time to visit is during September and October. Why? Well, that is when they become the Jardins de Lumiere (Gardens of Light). Each year since 1992 the Chinese Gardens have come alive with colorful...[Read more of this review]

泥盆纪植物园 泥盆纪植物园

今天,我们将在加拿大艾伯塔省首都埃德蒙顿(Edmonton)西侧旅行约二十分钟路程,参观加拿大的植物园之一。泥盆纪植物园。艾伯塔大学(University of Alberta)的一部分,花园不仅是旅游胜地,而且是一个备受推崇的研究中心(世界上最北端的研究中心之一...[Read more of this review]

一瞥马德里 一瞥马德里

欢迎来到西班牙马德里。您知道马德里的官方象征是熊和草莓树吗?Bear and the Strawberry Tree (I didn’t know the significance of it…but when we saw people lining up to take a photo with this statue we did too! And then did some research to learn about it. I guess there were bears in this area at one...[Read more of this review]

全景路线南非 全景路线南非

What a beautiful day here in Hazeyview, South Africa (near Krueger Park). Let’s take the opportunity to drive the Panorama Route which will take us into the Drakensberg Mountains. First decision…which way do we go! Aside: That is not just a rhetorical question. Good maps are not that easy to come by here, so if you find one hang...[Read more of this review]

伯克运气坑洼 伯克运气坑洼

旅游向导说,这是驾驶全景路线时要参观的“必看”地点。坑洼?严重地?但是好吧,让我们看看。是的,这里很吸引人。岩石中有趣的颜色。漂亮的瀑布。天啊!到底怎么回事!(希望您将照片放大以更好地外观。)这些必须是...[Read more of this review]

一瞥佐治亚州亚特兰大 一瞥佐治亚州亚特兰大

它仍然是冬季回家,但亚特兰大春天已经涌现了!bob体育链接(提示:单击任何照片以扩大它。)当我们到达新城市时,我们通常会进行一次跳跃的公共汽车之旅,但是这次我们正在参加公共汽车之旅。作为我们的向导/驾驶员(以色列)的好选择非常好。我们的第一站是在亚特兰大西克拉摩和内战博物馆。我们...[Read more of this review]

新西兰奥马鲁 新西兰奥马鲁

我们沿着海洋(大西洋)行驶,从新西兰南岛的但尼丁向北行驶……经过充满绵羊的牧场……和牛。(请记住这三个细节……海洋,绵羊,牛。它们将变得重要。)(请记住,您也可以单击任何照片以扩大它。)不久之后,我们到达镇上...[Read more of this review]

路易斯堡要塞 路易斯堡要塞

We are here at one of Canada’s National Historic Sites on Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Welcome to Fortress Louisbourg… and welcome to the 1700’s! (A national historic site, this is an authentic reproduction) We are almost there. In the distant past we would have likely arrived by ship and passed through these gates…the Frederic...[Read more of this review]

加拿大艾伯塔省莱斯布里奇 加拿大艾伯塔省莱斯布里奇

当我们告诉朋友时,我们在莱斯布里奇(Lethbridge)度过了一个星期,她的回答是(我引用!)一个星期!你到底在那里做什么?好吧,我们发现很多事情要做!我们本周bob体育链接的家是在天堂峡谷的一个可爱的时光措施中……在奥尔德曼河旁边的一只库利(Coulee),旁边是一场华丽的高尔夫球场。(提示:单击任何照片以放大...[Read more of this review]

巨石企鹅殖民地 巨石企鹅殖民地

嗯...这是什么?(提示:单击照片以放大。)是的,它是企鹅。也许下一张照片更接近我们许多人在可视化企鹅时的想象。(记住…单击!)可爱,不是。在这里,我们在南非南部的南部……在巨石(Simon's Town旁边),以获得近距离体验...[Read more of this review]

里斯本,葡萄牙 里斯本,葡萄牙

Most major cities have some type of hop-on hop-off bus tour…Lisbon is no exception. So let’s hop on the Red Line and get an overview of Portugal’s capital. We begin our tour at the Marquis of Pombal Square. The bus heads north (away from the river) and soon takes us past a lovely building which reminds one of the Moorish influence...[Read more of this review]

里斯本庞巴尔广场的侯爵 里斯本庞巴尔广场的侯爵

今天,里斯本,葡萄牙,我们沿着里斯本市中心的一座可爱的大林荫大道(让人想起了Elysee的Champs d'Elysee)行走。它被命名为Avenida da Liberdade…当然必须具有历史意义,我必须在机会出现后立即进行研究。同时,我们只是享受着宽阔的林荫大道的可爱...[Read more of this review]

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